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Woodmansterne Primary

Governing Body & School Strategic Development Plan

School Development Plan

To view the School Strategic Development Plan, please click here.

Governing Body 

To view the Register of Interests, Governor attendance records, scheme of delegation etc. please click here

Governing Body 

  • Details of Governors' Roles and Responsibilities can be found here

  • The Clerk to the Governing Body is Lynn Atkins clerk@wps.org.uk 

  • If you need to contact the Governors, please contact the Chair on the following email address:    chair@wps.org.uk, or you may write to them at our school address.

Details of the Bourne Education Trust Governing Body structure and members can be found here


Effective from September 2023

Alan Forder - Chair of Governors

Name: Alan Forder
Contact: ForderA@wps.org.uk
Category of Governor: Local Authority
Appointed by: Governing Body
Term of Office: 14th October 2020 – 13th October 2024

Biography: I volunteered as a Governor and was appointed by the Governing Body as the LA Governor in November 2016. Having recently taken early retirement I was looking for a role where I could use the experience and knowledge I have gained through my working life for the benefit of others.  I have a raft of experience in finance, audit, project management and board level leadership across a wide range of multinational companies. As well as finance and audit qualifications, I have a Masters degree in Business Administration. I hope that this wide range of skills and experience will help me to make a positive contribution to the life of the school and the education and growth of the pupils.

Although my current knowledge of the Education world is relatively limited, I look forward to learning more about this and how I can effectively contribute.  My wife and I, together with our now grown up children, have lived in Woodmansterne for over 30 years and I look forward to helping the community, especially the children, grow, learn and enjoy this community as much as we have.

Chloe Perry - Vice Chair

Name: Chloe Perry 

Category of Governor: Co-Opted Governor

Appointed by: Governing Body

Term of Office: Info coming soon 

Biography: Info coming soon

Josef Czerpak

Name: Josef Czerpak

Category of Governor: Co-Opted Governor

Appointed by: Governing Body

Term of Office: 18th May 2022 - 17th May 2026

Biography: Since graduating from the University of Exeter's Graduate School of Education in 1997, I have only worked as a teacher. In addition, I have a Master's in Education and National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH);  I am a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management.

I am currently the Deputy Head - Boarding and Co-Curriculum at a local state boarding school and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. Previously, I was the Deputy Head of an outstanding British school in Abu Dhabi, where my family lived for thirteen years.

Given the importance of developing resilience and self-esteem, I believe that children should receive character education early. My mottos for all pupils are "try something new"  and ‘’get out of your comfort zone’’. I am passionate about children excelling academically through various experiences and enjoy observing children and young people outside of the classroom. I have two children, ages 24 and 18, and their educational skills and needs have been entirely different.

I intend to assist your incredible headteacher and school; the first time I walked through the door, I knew it was a special place. 

Jamie Baker


Name: Jamie Baker

Category of Governor: Co-opted Governor

Appointed by: Governing Body

Term of Office: 11th September 2024 - 10th September 2028

Biography: I was appointed as a Governor in September 2024, having volunteered to become involved with the Trust. I am a Director of External Relations for a trade association based in London and have worked in and around fuels supply for the last decade, helping design policy both in and out of government, as well as setting up and running a number of strategic governance bodies to consider the short and long term the sector faces. I am a Sheffield University politics graduate and worked in Westminster and City Hall after graduation.


My wife and I have a young son and live in West Ewell. Living with a primary school teacher (in Kingston), along with early career experiences working with underprivileged children in a care home and as a teaching assistant at a specialist SEND school, are strong reasons for me wanting to become involved in education. I look forward to working with the other governors and trying my best to continue to grow the great atmosphere of learning and community I’ve already witnessed at Woodmansterne.

Anna Hafele

Name: Anna Hafele

Category of Governor: Parent Governor

Appointed by: Parents of the School

Term of Office: 17th November 2021 - 16th November 2025

Biography: I have a daughter at Woodmansterne Primary School and I am delighted and proud to join the governing body.

As a Communications Director at a global PR consultancy I have over 20 years of experience working with major European brands, organisations and institutions on their communications strategy and corporate reputation. I work with clients to deliver strategic counsel, develop brand purpose and craft effective messaging, and have extensive experience in stakeholder communications, marketing, media, content production and project and event management.

I’m a working mum who juggles both the joy and responsibility of being a parent with the demands and rewards of a career and I am looking forward to using my professional expertise to assist with the development of the school.

I have strong values in authenticity and integrity and am passionate about growth and opportunity. I also have a particular interest in personal growth and self-development and also enjoy delivering training within my organisation. These values and interests I believe align with those of Woodmansterne Primary School and I care deeply about the development and enhancement of the school to enable both my daughter and all children who are fortunate to be pupils here, to have the opportunity to thrive and realise their full potential. 

Stephen Pailthorpe


Name: Stephen Pailthorpe

Category of Governor: Parent Governor

Appointed by: Parents of the School

Term of Office: 18th October 2022 - 17th October 2026

Biography: I am delighted to be elected as a parent governor at the school. My two children attend Woodmansterne and absolutely love the school, their friends and the teaching staff. My wife and I are both passionate about education and I consider it a real privilege to serve in this role.

In my professional capacity, I'm the Chief Executive of a global digital marketing agency and sit as a Non-Executive Director for a number of London-based businesses. I also Chair the Board of Trustees for a national charity and serve as a local Church Minister.